Cat Depot offers a wide variety of ways you can get involved and donate your time to make a significant contribution to our mission. We also offer a variety of educational opportunities for kids, families and adults through our Humane Education programs.

Following are some of the ways you can make
an impact by volunteering at Cat Depot:
- Cleaning Laundry
- Cleaning Dishes
- Food Preparation
- Animal Transport
- Off-Site Events
- Fundraising Events
- Clinic Assistance
- Administration
- Reception
- Retail Sales
- Cat Socialization
- Adoption Assistance
- Foster Care
- Food Bank
- Coin Bank
- Committees
- Photography
- Education
Humane Education
Cat Depot believes in treating every cat with humane kindness, love, and care. We also know that children and adults who learn to extend kindness and care towards animals are more likely to treat other people with respect. This ongoing mission is shared with the community through a variety of educational opportunities.
- Kid's Summer Camps
- Girl/Boy Scout Badge Program
- Cats and Coffee Lecture Series
- Field Trips
- And more...

Check the Calendar of Events for adoption events throughout the year, offsite community events, fundraisers, and training classes for the community and volunteers.